Saturday, March 31, 2012


I was in Las Vegas this week for work. It was about what I expected: they call it "Sin City" for a reason. On the return flight, I was reading an article by Darby on Transubstantiation ("Familiar Conversations on Romanism--- Transubstantiation", Collected Writings, Vol. 31, pp. 1--74). It's not his best article ever, but it contains this description of the Lord's Supper:

spiritual persons with holy reverence celebrating the memorial of Christ's death, humbled in the sense of the infinite love which brought Him there for us, while they wait for Him who so loved them; but with holy joy and thanksgiving (which is the very name of the ordinance, eucharistia) that He has so loved them and washed them from their sins in His own blood, so that saved by Him they can wait for Him with joy, feeding on Him and living by Him meanwhile

I've frequently found as I read through Darby's writings, the really valuable bits are frequently his tangential comments.